Thursday, October 16, 2008

China Shits

I used to fear going to the toilet When travelling in China a few years back - At first I would hold it in until I could find a macdonalds or hotel that had a western toilet, his became impractical once I left Beijing and impossible once I entered the countryside.

anyway, my first experience of a real chinese toilet was in a university in Xian - A row of porcelian holes in floor with no doors to protect ur privacy. I was so scared that I ran out of the room leaving all my bags - someone chased after me to give them back.

Of course, I soon got horrendous food poisoning and became far less picky about where i placed my end. The problem was that as i was often the only white person within 50 square km I would frequently draw a crowd around me. The locals would find nothing more amusing than trying to engage me in conversation in public restrooms.

local - where are you from? What is ur name?
Me - fuck off im taking a shit!

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